Monday, August 17, 2015

Tips For home garden look more interesting

The first known use of garden ornaments Become common in the western cultures are in Ancient Roman gardens. A great many examples have been excavated from Pompeii and Herculaneum. The Italian Renaissance garden and Garden à la française were the peak styles of using forms created in the garden and landscape, with high art and kitsch Interpretations ever since. The English Landscape Garden expanded the scale of some garden ornaments to temple follies
The Asian tradition of making garden ornaments, Often functioning in association with Feng Shui principles, has a nearly timeless history.
The Chinese gardens, with Chinese scholar's rocks, stone art Korean, and Japanese gardens with Suiseki, and the Zen rock gardens have symbolic meaning and natural and ornamental qualities.
In order for the home garden look more attractive, you can use garden ornaments are among the plants. In addition to functional ornaments such as lamps, garden ornaments also add aesthetic value.
Many choices of art that can be utilized as a garden ornament. Can be a park that serves as a lamp illumination at night, sculpture, barrel-shaped, porcelain jars, torro and so on. Even can also use other ornaments, such as rice pestle. What should you look for? Here are tips for short.
1. Select the appropriate ornament to your garden.
2. Laying the ornaments should be tailored to its function, eg garden lighting. Laying the garden lights that are not in place, for example, can actually reduce the maximum functionality garden lighting.
3. To put the ornaments on the park, should be adapted to the scale of existing space. That is, the height or width wide and ornaments must be proportional to the area of ​​the park.
4. Clean ornament on a regular basis in order to perform optimal. Keep ornament jars / barrel does not crack and break, as it can reduce this estetika.berikut ornament that could be your reference

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