Showing posts with label garden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label garden. Show all posts

Friday, August 29, 2014

kitchen with the feel of the beauty of garden

kitchen with the feel of the beauty of this garden displays a beautiful atmosphere that a mother will be fresh for cooking not too late with their activities for at home

Thursday, August 28, 2014

bathrooms which are decorated to crops

bathrooms are decorated to these plants are designed and manufactured with to add to the beauty of the house and seemed to live in the wild and it is matchless valuable inspiration and this is his example into the bathroom

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Japanese-style garden in the house an attractive

Japanese-style garden in an attractive house inspired us to make our homes become better because of what the house with the garden so the house looks cool and beautiful example as follows

home garden decor is unique and interesting

The house and garden is a social and cultural values ​​of nature and life residence. Where home is a dwelling place of rest and worship family socializing. While the park is a reflection of natural energy, and the source of life. When home and garden designed as a harmonious whole life will give energy to the occupants.
Typical minimalist house has a source of natural lighting from windows, doors, transparent walls, shade trees, plants and paving composition, will present an appropriate image objects from sunlight reflected off the walls as a natural aesthetic separate elements. While the game system very artistic lights, spotlights good, light plant, to the chandelier with geometric shapes, will liven the evening minimalist home.  Structuring minimalist home and garden requires a harmonious overall look, a combination of hard materials, the physical structure of buildings and exotic plants, exotic colors, as well as supporting elements (such as: lights, pond, benches, sculptures, furniture). Harmony requires minimal materials, shape, color, and texture with the impression conveyed to the warm, intimate, romantic, natural, or futuristic. Games monochromatic colors with themes such as grading the two primary colors creates unity between the house and garden space.
Structuring minimalist home and garden requires a harmonious overall look, a combination of hard materials, the physical structure of buildings and exotic plants, exotic colors, as well as supporting elements (such as: lights, pond, benches, sculptures, furniture). Harmony requires minimal materials, shape, color, and texture with the impression conveyed to the warm, intimate, romantic, natural, or futuristic. Games monochromatic colors with themes such as grading the two primary colors creates unity between the house and garden space.  
but here is how the uniqueness of managing the home that this is a very strange and unique example

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

beautiful gardens and a cool

beautiful gardens and a cool is made ​​for you who love the sport the way and then be made as beautiful as possible so that you or anyone else will always come to enjoy it

garden wooden a preferred current

As an idea, the park seems to be both simple and fairly universal. But if it is based on our personal experiences, desires and personality, garden space is really evoke various different responses, both practical and emotional. Just as diverse are the approaches to the creation of the modern garden. That was probably one of the main functions of the park to provide food for the body, a living of the different types of what we normally accomplished in a private open space for ourselves
 A garden garden rooms. It is usually separated for a house, which is used as a special room usually used by professionals or by the homeworker business house garden you only use it as a home study and if it is similar in size and construction to the garden shed. used as the learning garden at home does not need planning permission as long as no more than 4 feet for pitched roofs, at least 2 feet from the property line and does not cover more than half of the garden area.

  thus the space of this room can be used for work as well as bedroom and study and do not need to bother with the other


Monday, August 25, 2014

home stay beautiful and comfy

home stay wonderful and comfortable home is made for visitors who want to travel on holiday and want to enjoy the wonderful but beautifully so that you can enjoy your holiday in peace and comfort without the crowds and noise of vehicles in the city where you live following a comfortable home stay for you

the garden which was still under development

A garden is a planned space, usually outdoors, set aside for the display, cultivation, and enjoyment of plants and other forms of nature. The garden can incorporate natural materials and man-made. The most common form today is known as a residential garden, but the term garden has traditionally been more common. Zoos, which display wild animals in simulated natural habitats, were formerly called the zoo. Western gardens are almost universally based on plants, with garden often signifying a shortened form of botanical garden

Some gardens for ornamental purposes only, while some gardens also produce food crops, sometimes in separate areas, or sometimes mingled with ornamental plants. Food-producing gardens are distinguished from farms with a smaller scale, more labor-intensive methods, and their purpose (enjoyment of a hobby rather than produce for sale). Flower gardens combine plants of different heights, colors, textures, and fragrances to create interest and personal pleasure

Gardening is the activity of the development and maintenance of the park. This work is done by an amateur or professional gardener. A gardener might also work in a garden setting, a roadside embankment, or other public spaces. Landscape architecture is a related professional activity with landscape architects tend to specialize in design for public and corporate clients. 
 The following example parks professional development