Monday, April 6, 2015

treehouse cafe to relax with family

Tree house or fort cafe is a tree or a building platform built around, in addition to or in the trunk or branches of one or more mature trees while above ground level. The tree house can be used for recreation, work space, shelter, observation or as a temporary home retreats.Tree usually built for recreational purposes, but sometimes they can be built for the protection of wildlife. In some parts of the tropics, houses both tied to a tree or raised on stilts to keep dwelling on the ground to protect occupants and stored food from scavenging animals.
Along with homes underground and surface soil, the tree house is an option to build an environmentally friendly house in a remote forest area, because they do not require the opening of a particular forest area. Wildlife, climate and lighting on the ground in the forest area near dense canopy undesirable for some people as such
Amid the modern dining atmosphere would have become commonplace for you. If you want to enjoy a meal with a different atmosphere come to the Tree House menu mainstay that can be sampled carries a comfortable open concept.
A cool place to be a place-together has a feel completely natural wood so impressed. In some corners of the restaurant are artificial trees that add a natural sensation. In it also features a bar that provides a variety of cocktails. While dining visitors will be entertained by live music performances following example

Sunday, March 29, 2015

treehouse bathroom natural and interesting to you

Manufacture of bathroom design nature and countryside is already widely applied by utilizing a wide opening so that the lighting can be signed by both the colors of trees and incorporating elements from outside. If today you want to design a bathroom with a natural feel, then you need to pay attention to the type of material for the bathroom.

Some things that are needed can give an impression of nature in the bathroom with the addition of natural stone material or pebbles which can be mounted on the bathroom floor. In addition, natural stone can also be used as a wall decoration with affixed with unique creations. Bathrooms nature and often also using the bath or shower of wood shaped like a natural waterfall.

In addition to using natural stone shower and selecting ornaments to add beauty to the bathroom was also nice is used to add a natural feel, can by using tree branches that touch of creativity to be given a towel or clothes hangers in the bathroom in order to further increase the environmental impact.

When we talk about the use of materials, natural stone with a coating would be the right choice to bring the sensations experienced in nature and outdoor shower. It was also due to the natural stone materials that are derived from nature.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

the bed treehouse for kids fun

On the inside of this tree house there is a family room with beautiful interior design. This room overlooks the fantastic scenery, and thanks to the breadth of existing windows in this room, visitors can see the beautiful scenery such as mountains, forests, and other natural scenery. Meanwhile in other places, the bedroom was also made as comfortable as possible. Bedroom accommodation is also equipped with a long window on each side, providing a 360-degree perspective almost equal to what can be seen from all sides of the roof of this tree house, there is also an outdoor terrace, an ideal place to eat, relax, and see the beautiful stars at night. For those who love the world of photography, the top of the inn is also suitable for taking pictures of landscapes. Enjoy a cup of tea in the afternoon while watching the sunset from this area, it is nice of course and the following form tree house bed

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

treehouse unique and wonderful for families

For children, the tree house is the hiding place, castle, or point of play that has magical appeal. The tree house is also a fun project for adults. Build a tree house requires careful planning and construction, but your hard work will pay off. If you take care and pay attention to your dream tree house with properly, then you will have a "home wood protection" that you can enjoy for a long time.
Preparation Building a Tree House

1. Choose the right tree. The health of the tree of your choice is crucial to building the foundation for a tree house. If the tree is too old or young, will not be qualified for your tree house; and you will put anyone in there in great danger. Trees should be robust, mature, and still alive. Ideal tree to tree house include oak, maple, fir, and apples. Good idea to ask for help a forestry expert inspect your tree before starting to build. An ideal tree has the following qualities:
Twigs and branches are sturdy and strong.
Embedded in and strong roots.

2. Not found signs of parasites or diseases that can weaken the tree.
Check the city planning department in your area. Take time to study the regulation or regulations that may be associated with your tree house project, eg height limits. You may even need a permit to build. If there is a protected tree, may be prohibited to build there.

3.Discuss with your neighbors. As a form of courtesy, good to talk with neighbors and tell them your plans. If your tree house will be seen from the neighbor's house, they would be happy if you take into account their opinion into consideration. This simple step can prevent complaints or lawsuits in the future. Although your neighbors are likely to be agreed course, this step will help them more amenable to your project.

4.Discuss with your insurance agent. Immediately telephone your insurance agent to make sure that the tree house covered in your home policy. If not, then all the potential damage caused by the tree house is not covered by insurance.
5.Find Out what will you do on the branches that interfere with the tree house. How do you build when there are branches that interfere? Will you cut or combine them in a tree house plans? If you decide to incorporate in the plan, would you build a tree house around the branch or framed in the window? Ask yourself these questions "before" starting to build. That way, your tree house will reflect awareness and preparedness of the creator following his example

tree house disneylands unique and beautiful
tree house disneylands unique and beautiful

tree house that is unique and beautiful and attractive simple
tree house that is unique and beautiful and attractive simple

tree house that is unique and beautiful and attractive
tree house that is unique and beautiful and attractive

tree house unique and beautiful at night
tree house unique and beautiful at night

unique and beautiful treehouse
unique and beautiful treehouse

winter tree house unique and beautiful
winter tree house unique and beautiful

Monday, March 16, 2015

Hybrid Tea Rose are beautiful to the eye

Hybrid tea is an informal horticultural classification for a group of garden roses.They were created by cross-breeding two types of roses, initially by hybridising Hybrid Perpetuals with Tea roses. It is the oldest group classified as a modern garden rose Hybrid teas exhibit traits midway between both parents, being hardier than the often quite tender teas (although not as hardy as the hybrid perpetuals), and more inclined to repeat-flowering than the somewhat misleadingly-named hybrid perpetuals (if not quite as ever-blooming as the teas) Hybrid tea flowers are well-formed with large, high-centred buds, supported by long, straight and upright stems. Each flower can grow to 8-12.5 cm wide. Hybrid teas are the world's most popular type of rose by choice due to their color and flower form. Their flowers are usually borne singly at the end of long stems which makes them popular as cut flowers.Most hybrid tea bushes tend to be somewhat upright in habit, and reach between 0.75 and 2.0 metres in height, depending on the cultivar, growing conditions and pruning regime. It is the provincial flower of Islamabad capital territory.The birth of the world's first hybrid tea is generally acceptedto have been 'La France' in 1867. It was raised by Jean-Baptiste André Guillot, a French nurseryman. He did it by hybridising a tea rose, supposedly 'Madame Bravy,' with a hybrid perpetual, supposedly 'Madame Victor Verdier', hence 'hybrid tea.' Other early cultivars were 'Lady Mary Fitzwilliam' (Bennett 1883), 'Souvenir of Wootton' (John Cook 1888) and 'Mme. Caroline Testout', introduced by Pernet-Ducher in 1890.Hybrid tea roses did not become popular until the beginning of the 20th century, when Pernet-Ducher in Lyons, France, bred the cultivar 'Soleil d'Or' (1900).But the cultivar that made hybrid teas the most popular class of garden rose of the 20th century was the rose Peace ('Madame A. Meilland'), introduced by Francis Meilland at the end of World War II, and one of the most popular rose cultivars of the 20th century.Michele Meilland Richardier cultivated a hybrid tea which had double flowers, with a coral inside and a yellow and pink outside. It was said to last very well when cut. The rose was classified as being part of the meilimona variety. The patent was filed on October 14, 1975 and was issued February 1, 1977Most hybrid tea cultivars are not fully hardy in continental areas with very cold winters (below -25 °C). This, combined with their tendency to be stiffly upright, sparsely foliaged and often not resistant to diseases, has led to a decline in hybrid tea popularity among gardeners and landscapers in favor of lower-maintenance "landscape" roses. The hybrid tea remains the standard rose of the floral industry, however, and is still favored in small gardens in formal situations.
Hybrid Tea Rose Pink
Hybrid Tea Rose Pink

Hybrid Tea Rose purple
Hybrid Tea Rose purple

Hybrid Tea Rose Red
Hybrid Tea Rose Red

Hybrid Tea Rose White
Hybrid Tea Rose White

Hybrid Tea Rose Yellow
Hybrid Tea Rose Yellow