Wednesday, December 10, 2014

the history of roses and flowers from texas

Roses are the a type of shrub of the genus Rosa interest generated and the name of this plant. Wild roses comprises more than 100 species, mostly grown in the northern hemisphere tube cool. Species roses generally a thorny shrub or climbing plant that can reach 2 to 5 meters. Although rare, high plant climbing roses in other plants can reach 20 meters. Most species have leaves that are between 5-15 cm with two-two opposite (pinnate). Each compound leaf petiole is composed of at least 3 or 5 to 9 or 13 children leaves and leaf fulcrum (stipules) is elliptical, pertulangan pinnate, edge beringgit edge, tapering at the ends of the leaves and thorny stems close to the ground. Roses actually not tropical plants, most species shed their entire leaves and only a few species in Southeast Asia evergreen throughout the year. The flowers consist of five leaves crown with the exception of Rosa sericea which only has 4 leaf crown. Among the colors that are owned by the roses are white, pink, yellow and blue in some species. The ovaries are at the bottom of the crown of leaves and leaf sheath. In general, roses have thorns shaped like a hook that serves as a grip when climbing other plants. Some species that grows wild in the sandy soil in coastal areas such as Rosa rugosa and Rosa pimpinellifolia adapt to a straight needle-like spines that may serve to reduce the damage from edible animals, hold the sand that the wind and protect the roots from erosion. Although it is protected thorns, deer do not seem afraid and often damaging roses. Some species roses have thorns that are not growing and not Western culture, the rose is the flower symbol of love and beauty. Roses are considered sacred to some god in Greek mythology such as Isis and Aprodite. The rose is the national flower of England and is used as a national emblem of England rugby team and the Rugby Football Union in England. In Canada, the wild rose is a flower province of Alberta. In the United States, the rose is the state flower of Iowa, North Dakota, Georgia, and New York. City of Portland in the state of Oregon who annually hold a festival of roses is often called the "City of Roses." The rose is a symbol of non-violence in Georgia during a Rose Revolution in 2003. In addition, the roses are often used as objects of paintings by many artists. French painter Pierre-Joseph Redoute named famous for painting various species of roses are drawn very carefully. For certain circles, the rose is a symbol of love, is reflected in the association. For example, someone who gives a red rose to her hero, meant to imply a declaration of love. The long answer of course red roses, which states that the girl love him and following a beautiful flower of texas for you who love flowers