Tuesday, September 23, 2014

the living room with a theater increase familiarity

Understanding the living room is a room that usually occurs at the forefront of a house. This room is a concept promoted by the whole room and can reflect the lives of homeowners. The layout of the living room is usually also designed so that the location can be adjacent to the dining room so guests during a visit to the house, entertain host .furniture easy and ornaments found in this room usually consists of a set of sofas, curtains, trinkets to decorate room, carpet, and others. Decoration or knickknacks in the living room reflects the owners also can therefore requires special attention in the room decoration that guests can feel comfortable in your living room. Is eastern culture, the more guests who visit, the more fortune that comes as a thought to bring good luck for the homeowners. Just as understanding the space, as well as the function room was first visited by people outside of the family and business associates. The living room is also the first place and a gathering hosted by the homeowner. Although many do not care about the main functions of the living room because it would prefer to invite guests to gather in the living room and greeted him in the dining room. But still needed space to entertain guests who are not accustomed to. but there is more to familiarize all the family in the home theater with the presence of a more comfortable atmosphere in the living room as the following example

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