Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Architecture of a comfortable home for our family

Generally speaking can be defined as a place for shelter or take shelter from the influence of surrounding natural environment (rain, sun, etc.) As well as a place to rest after a stint to meet daily needs. However, the sense of the house can also be reviewed further physically and psychologically.

1. Physical In physical terms the house means a building back from the traveling, working, bed and rest to recover physical and mental fatigue from the carrying out everyday tasks.

2. Psychological In terms of psychological home means a place to stay and to do the things mentioned above, serene, peaceful, fun for the residents. home in a psychological sense is more priority than the situation and atmosphere conditions and the physical state of the house itself.
B. Definition of House Live Simple / Not Graded The home stay is a simple one-story residence for shelter and take shelter from the effects of the natural circumstances surrounding that physically does not contain the elements of luxury, but also do not rule out the beauty or aesthetics.
C. Function House Live To protect people from surrounding influence of (Nature)
As a place to rest / sleep after activity
As a container for human daily activities. such as: shower, eating, cook, etc. 
D. Terms House Live accessibility,Transportation needs are met easily and cheaply.
Distance of the public facility to easily and quickly
The road to the location is quite good quality, safe, and comfortable should be smooth.
2. Environment,Environmental health are met. for example: Far from the pollution (Factory or public)
The arrangement is quite beautiful and natural environment
Simply open space. for example: park or community
adequate infrastructure and facilities. for example: roads, places of worship, sports, parks, schools etc.
3. Physically, the house itself must In accordance with the family healthy cozy
The following are examples of the luxurious and comfortable stay for families

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