Monday, July 7, 2014

beautiful japanese garden

Japanese gardens (日本 庭園 teien  nihon?) Is a traditional plant that creates the ideal miniature landscapes, often in a very abstract and stylized. The gardens of the emperor and nobility which is designed for recreational and aesthetic pleasure, while Buddhist temple gardens designed for contemplation and meditation. Japanese garden styles including Karesansui (枯 山水), Japanese garden stone or a zen garden, the meditation garden where white sand instead of water; roji (ろ じ), simple, rustic garden with a tea shop where Japanese tea ceremony performed; Kaiyu-shiki- teien (か い ゆ ー し き ー て い え ん), promenade or stroll the gardens, where visitors follow the path around the park to see the sights with carefully arranged, and tsubo-niwa (つ ぼ ー に わ), small courtyard gardens. The Japanese garden was developed under the influence of Chinese gardens, but gradually Japanese garden designers began to develop its own aesthetic, based on the material of Japan and Japanese culture. In the Edo period, the Japanese garden has its own distinct appearance.Since end of the 19th century, Japanese gardens have also been adapted to Western settings following the example of the Japanese garden

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