Monday, January 26, 2015

beautiful lotus in the garden

The Seroja or Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.) Is an annual plant species of the genus Nelumbo water originating from India. In Indonesia, this plant is often called the lotus (Nymphaea) even though the two are not related. LOT OS has an upright flower stems and flowers do not float on the water surface, as the lotus. LOOTS once known as binomial Nelumbium speciosum (Wild.) Or Nymphaea Nelumbo.Tubular stalk empty in the middle of the road through the air. The leaves are on the surface of the water, out of the stalk from rhizomes that are in the mud at the bottom of the pond, river, or swamp. Plant height of about one meter and a half meters.Leaves grow up, high above the water surface. Full circle-shaped leaves with no deductions, wavy at the edges, with veins converge to the middle of the leaf. The diameter of the leaves can reach 60 cm. Leaf surface contains a layer of wax so that the water that falls onto the surface of the leaf to form water droplets.Flowers with a diameter up to 20 cm. pure white, yellow or pink, out of a strong stalk rising above the water surface. Flowers bloom in July and August.There are several cultivates lotus flower shape and color variety. Lotus (Nelumbo genus) is a state symbol IndiaBunga beautiful LOOTS seen so widely used as an ornamental pond in the gardens. Rhizome good to eat and is widely used in Japanese cuisine, Chinese cuisine and Indian cuisine. Rhizomes are eaten raw can be a source of transmission of parasitic trematodes.Rich seeds with flour so that it can be eaten or processed into food. Seeds are boiled, mashed and mixed with sugar into the contents of moon cakes are eaten on Mid-Autumn Festival (Moon cake festival). In China, the seeds are still young drunk as a tea substitute. Excrescence perforated honeycomb sold in dried form as a supplement in dried flower arrangement.

blue lotus flower
blue lotus flower

pink lotus flower
pink lotus flower

white lotus flower blooming
white lotus flower blooming

white lotus

yellow lotus flower
yellow lotus flower

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