Wednesday, March 25, 2015

treehouse unique and wonderful for families

For children, the tree house is the hiding place, castle, or point of play that has magical appeal. The tree house is also a fun project for adults. Build a tree house requires careful planning and construction, but your hard work will pay off. If you take care and pay attention to your dream tree house with properly, then you will have a "home wood protection" that you can enjoy for a long time.
Preparation Building a Tree House

1. Choose the right tree. The health of the tree of your choice is crucial to building the foundation for a tree house. If the tree is too old or young, will not be qualified for your tree house; and you will put anyone in there in great danger. Trees should be robust, mature, and still alive. Ideal tree to tree house include oak, maple, fir, and apples. Good idea to ask for help a forestry expert inspect your tree before starting to build. An ideal tree has the following qualities:
Twigs and branches are sturdy and strong.
Embedded in and strong roots.

2. Not found signs of parasites or diseases that can weaken the tree.
Check the city planning department in your area. Take time to study the regulation or regulations that may be associated with your tree house project, eg height limits. You may even need a permit to build. If there is a protected tree, may be prohibited to build there.

3.Discuss with your neighbors. As a form of courtesy, good to talk with neighbors and tell them your plans. If your tree house will be seen from the neighbor's house, they would be happy if you take into account their opinion into consideration. This simple step can prevent complaints or lawsuits in the future. Although your neighbors are likely to be agreed course, this step will help them more amenable to your project.

4.Discuss with your insurance agent. Immediately telephone your insurance agent to make sure that the tree house covered in your home policy. If not, then all the potential damage caused by the tree house is not covered by insurance.
5.Find Out what will you do on the branches that interfere with the tree house. How do you build when there are branches that interfere? Will you cut or combine them in a tree house plans? If you decide to incorporate in the plan, would you build a tree house around the branch or framed in the window? Ask yourself these questions "before" starting to build. That way, your tree house will reflect awareness and preparedness of the creator following his example

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tree house disneylands unique and beautiful

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tree house that is unique and beautiful and attractive simple

tree house that is unique and beautiful and attractive
tree house that is unique and beautiful and attractive

tree house unique and beautiful at night
tree house unique and beautiful at night

unique and beautiful treehouse
unique and beautiful treehouse

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winter tree house unique and beautiful

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